Hi this is Tina your 2016-2017 President of REEA! It was great seeing you at the REEA conference, for those of you that joined us in Denver Colorado. I hope by now everyone is back home settled in their day to day activities. I’m excited to announce our committees’ are in full swing and I am so impressed by the involvement of everyone in these committees - however if you have not yet joined a committee it’s not too late! Visit our website at www.REEA.org/MembersOnly, click on the Committees link and sign up to be on the committees. While you are there remember to take a look at the updates that our communications and marketing committee have already made to the website and don't forget to update your personal Profile. Also if you would go to Facebook and like the REEA page and make sure you share it with others in the industry, we can build up our membership and share all of the great things coming up at our 2017 Annual REEA Conference at the Marriot Miami Biscayne Bay in Florida. I look forward to seeing you there!